Blog to Share God’s Words

Why not begin a blog to keep account of the prayers you submit before the Lord? Lists, journals, prayer-chains, and paper and pencil all have their place in logging our supplications before God, but how about adding a new venue? Give a Prayer Blog a shot. You...

Blockage to Prayer — Unforgiveness

Is there unforgiveness in your heart? This could be what’s hindering your prayers. Yes, God hears your cry, but we must first go and forgive the person who may have offended us. Sometimes the person we must forgive is the person we see in the in the mirror. When we...

Prayer is a Relationship

By Mary Boling Prayer Co-Coordinator Indianapolis, IN As a little girl I realized that Jesus was someone I wanted to know. I was not sure how to make that happen. I found that by reading His Word and praying to Him I began to know Him. I was amazed that God wants us...

Prayer Changes Things

By Pamela M. Tolson Lead Prayer Consultant Southern Division “You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.” —Matthew 21:22 What would I do without prayer? I do not know what I would do without prayer. I learned at an early age that prayer is...

Yes, Lord, I Hear You Loud and Clear

By Cindy Faulkner Stonecroft Prayer Consultant Southern Division To a Christian, prayer is essential to stay connected to God. Christ is our example in how and when to pray.  He prayed to His Father when alone in a secluded place, He prayed when in a crowd, He prayed...

I don't feel like Praying

Have you ever been at a point where you just didn’t feel like praying? It wasn’t that you could not pray, but more that you didn’t feellike it. If we were to tell the truth, we have all been in this place many times. It is easy to get caught up in our personal...