June 30 2020 TSE Update

Good Monday, lovelies! There are a few things to share today, and the first one makes me SO EXCITED to share. I hope you’ll find as much joy in it as I did. 1. A BRAND NEW addition just for TSE. I don’t know about you, but for me to make sure I am intentional about...

June 15: The Stonecroft Experience Update

Happy Monday to all my Experience Sisters, My questions for you this week are: Who is waiting for you? What will you do to reach them? On our last update, I shared with you a lake experience I had with my boys, and how it made me remember that we should always be...

Weekly Update

Hello, dear TSE sisters! Hope your weekend was full of worship and restoration. This is the first of a weekly update you’ll be getting about what the Experience holds for you. As I watched my boys swim this weekend, I thought about the fact that they have gotten...

Take a Look Around

Today’s the day! We are ready to introduce you to The Stonecroft Experience, a community of amazing women like you who are passionate about the mission of the organization and ready to follow God into extraordinary lives! Take a look around. Don’t worry, you can’t...