Buzzing into Fall

Did you know that to make just one tablespoon of honey, a bee has to visit 4,200 flowers! A worker bee will make up to 10 trips a day, visiting 400 flowers. And they don’t mind doing it because they care about their hive. Bees are social; they spend almost all of...

Connection = Togetherness

What do you do when your internet server stops responding… when connection is lost? Have you ever been in the middle of something, and then all of a sudden you cannot continue because for some reason you cannot verify the server identity? Maybe you see a pop-up...

Transitions: They Don’t All Have to be Hard

Transition — is it just a more comfortable name to call the not so comfortable process of change? According to the dictionary, transition is defined as: “the process of changing from one state or condition to another.” “a passage in a piece of writing that smoothly...

Prayer 101

Prayer is one of the most significant opportunities for the follower of Christ, and a priority here at Stonecroft. Having a lifestyle of prayer can change our lives. I know it seems simple to pray, but the cost was high, the sacrifice of Christ. We can now come to the...

Be Encouraged

God called me to Stonecroft nine years and nine months ago. I can remember it as if it were yesterday. I had been praying the previous year, so when this door opened, I was ready. Indeed, I was becoming prepared throughout that last year. Ministry calling comes in a...

Bigger Than Me!

“I’m a big girl!” are the four words that constantly come out of the mouth of my young daughter. She says these words anytime she is climbing the stairs, feeding herself, doing a puzzle, or simply trying to convince herself that she is indeed a “big girl.” Although I...