“I’m a big girl!” are the four words that constantly come out of the mouth of my young daughter. She says these words anytime she is climbing the stairs, feeding herself, doing a puzzle, or simply trying to convince herself that she is indeed a “big girl.” Although I usually laugh and move on when I hear this, I was struck this week with the reality that as a 1-year-old, the majority of tasks she attempts to accomplish every day are new, hard, and may seem bigger than she can accomplish.

As I started thinking about the many goals and task I have set before me every week, I realized that just like her there are so many areas that I feel small or incapable when trying to reach a goal or accomplish a task. As adults, there are so many challenges both good and bad that come our way (relationships, finances, outreach, addiction, graduating, sickness, weight loss, etc.), and we often try to muscle down and fix or accomplish this on our own. We forget that there is a God who is bigger and stronger than us who is eagerly waiting for us to ask him for help.

In Isaiah, God says…

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”(41:10)

How are you today? What is the challenge that feels too big for you to accomplish? Invite God into your challenge. He wants to help. He wants to give you wisdom, energy, strength, and creativity today!

Sarah-LeBlancSarah LeBlanc
Great Lakes Field Director
