Hope Pulls all the Pieces Together

I have never experienced a day quite like it. July 7, 2017, the day my precious daughter was born early in the morning and my sweet grandmother entered eternity with Jesus that evening. It is hard to put into words the wave of emotions that surrounded that day. I...

Ponder the Sweet Moments

I grew up in a large, busy family. Slow-paced or restful rarely defined us! As an adult, “busy” feels comfortable to me. When I see empty days in my calendar, I tend to seek actively to fill them up. Often, when I finally take a day to just breathe and...

Change and Expectation

I am expecting a baby and living life in the third trimester. Although I have done this before, I still have many days when I dance between sheer excitement to meet this strong, kicking baby and huge concern over the life change that is coming very quickly for me and...

Who will You Bring with You?

“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” – John 14:2, NIV Take a moment to read John 14:1-7. I’ve read this Bible passage many times, but for some reason, it hit me differently...