There’s Always Tomorrow

“This is the day that the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24 Those of us who are military wives and moms know we sometimes have days that start off bad and end up even worse. Days where we feel out of sorts, out of step, out...

Seeing Women through God’s Eyes

“Where she is, as she is.” Those words grabbed Erica Parker’s attention when she saw them on Facebook. “That tagline (Stonecroft’s slogan) is what kept me reading,” says Erica, a young, single professional in Louisville, Kentucky. A Facebook friend...

3 Tips to Organize the Overwhelmed

I just need to get organized! Whether it’s a long to-do list at work or multiple errands and personal tasks to perform, we all have work to accomplish each day. We may begin the day thinking that no matter what, we’ll get this phone call made, answer this email, read...

The Timelessness of Journaled God Conversations

Praying on paper. “That’s what I call journaling,” says Leslie Graham. Leslie has been a Spirit session breakout leader for two Florida Detox events focused on journaling. A married mother of four ages 16 to 28, Leslie is a believer in the power of journaling. The...