Expand your Detox Community with Small Groups

Have you thought about getting women together at the local coffee shop, library, or in your home to continue conversations that took place at your Detox event? Possibly you haven’t started a community group but would like to. This is the perfect time of year to begin...

Out with the Old and in with the New

It’s that time of year where we reflect on the end of the current year and think about the new year ahead. Out with the old and in with the new.  Some are thinking, Wow, what a great year I had! Others think, It’s been a bad year and I can’t wait for the new year to...

Four Tips for Losing Ten Pounds in the New Year

One thing we all may know for sure is holidays bring weight gain. We prepare ourselves, do diet fads, even run the extra mile so that we can indulge. So this year a few friends and I thought of “losing 10 lbs. before the end!” After the Thanksgiving feast,...

Ideas for a Less Stressful Christmas

Christmas, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? For all too many of us, it gives a feeling of anxiety and being overwhelmed. This Christmas set your plans early so that you can relax and enjoy the wonder. Try these four ideas for a less stress Christmas:...

Louisville Detox Volunteer sees God in the Details

God is in the details. This old saying conveys that whatever you’re doing, it should be completed with awareness of the small stuff. Details matter. Julie Riley faced a lot of details when she volunteered to help with the Louisville (Kentucky) Detox held earlier this...

Three Tips for a Healthier Christmas Season

December is easily my family’s favorite time of the year. My husband and our four kids love all the parties and food that go along with the traditions of the holiday season. As much as these festivities can create beautiful memories, they also carry challenges that...