December is easily my family’s favorite time of the year. My husband and our four kids love all the parties and food that go along with the traditions of the holiday season. As much as these festivities can create beautiful memories, they also carry challenges that can stress the well-being of our mind and body. The first thing to go when our schedules get full is self-care. Here are three tips that will allow you to enjoy the holidays and take care of yourself at the same time.

Remember that food does not make the moment special. If you can keep this idea in the front of your mind, it will be easier to say no to many treats, and you won’t feel obligated to eat everything.

Have a plan before going to a party. First, make sure you don’t arrive with an empty stomach. Second, decide ahead of time what you will eat. I like to stay away from store bought treats and have one serving of truly special treats. Third, limit the amount of items you put on your plate and times you fill your plate. Fourth, to ensure you have a healthy option at the party, offer to bring something (especially if you have dietary restrictions). Lastly, tell a trusted friend about your plan whom you can count on to ask you how well you stuck to your plan afterward.

Plan ahead for self-care. Plan ahead for days that you commit to exercise, whether it’s time at the gym, a fitness class, or a jog, bike ride or walk around the neighborhood. Find someone that will agree to do this with you so that you can hold each other accountable for following through.

Being mindful and prepared can help you stay healthier and more balanced while enjoying the added commitments that the holidays bring.

Mary WaughMary Waugh
Detox volunteer from Tampa, FL., Certified ISSA Fitness Trainer and yoga teacher.

Website: | IG: @marywaughfitness | Twitter: @marywaughfit