One thing we all may know for sure is holidays bring weight gain. We prepare ourselves, do diet fads, even run the extra mile so that we can indulge. So this year a few friends and I thought of “losing 10 lbs. before the end!” After the Thanksgiving feast, there are endless Christmas parties full of sweets, luxurious food, and drink. You try to have a game plan before you get there but sometimes it fails. So here are a few tips on “How to Lose 10 lbs. after the Holidays.”

Tip 1: Prepare yourself. Set a realistic goal weight for 90 days. Then make a plan to execute.

Tip 2: Get a dress, shirt, or pants a size towards your goal. Each week instead of relying on the scale rely on your clothes.

Tip 3: Do it with friends. It’s proven that when you do it in a group, you’re more likely to reach your goal.

Tip 4: Meal prep. The key to a successful weight loss is meal prepping. I’ve used safe and reputable meal replacements to help lose 135 lbs. then maintain my weight; as well as lean meat and veggies for two meals.

These are just a few steps you can do to lose weight in the New Year. Start small with your goals for 90-day results. You owe it to yourself to take care of your temple. You only get one.

shine-walkerShine Walker
Fitness Trainer and Figure Competitor from Decatur, Georgia | [email protected]
