October 2019 Prayer Call

Come join Kaitlyn Chavez, Ministry Support Representative, and Sarah LeBlanc, Director of Field Ministry, for  the October Prayer Call, a time of devotion and prayer. Kaitlyn’s passion is to encourage people to develop an authentic relationship with Christ, not just...

October 2019 Prays Guide

Devotion:  Someone’s Someone: The Hope and Joy of Giving I stared at the cash in my baby bag like it was a mirage. Where did this come from? How did it get here? I didn’t even have $100 in my checking account when I left for church that morning. Surely, this was not...

Janice Gravely: Propelled by the Power of Prayer

“Keep me Jesus as the apple of Thine eye. … Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings.” Janice Gravely sang this song – based on Psalm 17:8 – at the top of her voice inside the cockpit of a single-engine plane as her husband, Edmund, slumped unconscious in the pilot’s...