Hello, (name of group).
I’m going to tell you today about a young mother we’ll call Maria. Not long ago, she approached the two Stonecroft women volunteering at her pregnancy center. With a big smile, she told these group leaders, “I want you to know how much this study means to me. My husband’s paycheck went to repair the car, and we couldn’t get any food.” With the gift card she received that evening, Maria’s family could eat while waiting for their next paycheck.
What started as a desperate situation, actually ended up building Maria’s faith. She had earned her gift card by devotedly attending and doing homework for her Bible study class at the center. It’s part of the local center’s incentives program. The center provides holistic education with classes on parenting and finances for mothers who are expecting or have young children. The small-group Bible study supplies the spiritual component, led by Stonecroft volunteers who care about these new mothers and their children.
Two years ago, the volunteers accepted a challenge to make a difference in the lives of women outside their regular Stonecroft group. In seeking opportunities, they learned about the need for leaders of small groups in the pregnancy center. And, wouldn’t you know it? Bible studies were their specialty!
The groups are led in both English and Spanish. The young mothers there have varied backgrounds. Many have hard lives ‒ facing poverty, single parenting, addiction, or histories of making wrong choices. But, they’re seeking ways to make better lives for their young children. And, compassionate Stonecroft women help them turn their struggles into success stories.
Across the country, Stonecroft women step outside the regular circles of friends to care for their communities. When you give to Stonecroft, you bring love to women where they are, as they are.
As we prepare to receive donations for Stonecroft, we ask you to consider the many women from all walks of life who will be made to feel valued, connected, and loved through your support. Today, thousands are being reached ‒ because you give.
Your tax-deductible gifts can be placed in the envelopes. On the envelope flap, you have the opportunity to make a one-time gift or a monthly donation. You can make your donation by credit card, check, or cash. If using cash, please provide your information on the envelope flap. You will receive a receipt. Your table host is passing around a larger envelope to receive your envelope.
Thank you for supporting women, no matter their status or stage of life. You fill their lives with hope and hearts with joy.