Moms of military children can feel invisible at times. Not literally invisible, of course. But sometimes the creative, witty, fun-to-hang-out-with woman you are gets hidden under baby food-stained T-shirts and baggy sweats. You still have a reflection in the mirror, but the woman you see – the one who picks up scattered toys and washes peanut butter-covered fingers – seems unrecognizable.

You may not be in a literal desert like the Egyptian slave named Hagar, mentioned in the biblical story found in Genesis. But there are times our sense of worth can feel parched.

Take a moment to read Hagar’s story (Genesis 16 and Genesis 21:9-17). Notice what happened to Hagar in the desert, as recorded in Genesis 21:14-17. Just like God showed up in Hagar’s time of need, He shows up in our lives, too. When you feel unseen, God reminds us we’re in His sight.

The angel of God found Hagar beside a spring in a desert, and God also has a spring of life for us: Jesus Christ. Through another story about a different woman at a spring – also unseen and unloved – God reaffirmed the only thing that could water a parched soul.

“Jesus said, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again and again. Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst—not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.’ ”

– John 4:13-14, MSG

As military moms, we experience seasons in life when it seems no one understands or cares. Deployments, children, and sometimes even the household pets come first.

When you look in the mirror, do you recognize the person you see? Do you feel like no one pays attention to you? That no one sees your needs or cares about the worries on your heart? It’s during those times Jesus sees us and gives us what we need most: Himself.

Look in the mirror and write down what you see. When your list is complete, offer up your paper (or electronic screen) to Jesus and ask Him to fill you with Himself. Consider your reflection through Jesus’ eyes.

Teasia Levin
Stonecroft National Military Consultant

Stonecroft Military