We had a wonderful time at our outreach meeting. Now what?
After a woman enjoys the great fun and inspiration of Women’s Connection and God uses the Speaker’s message to soften her heart, she is often ready to explore faith further. Research shows us that women often desire a more intimate space to discuss matters of faith.
Stonecroft Bible Studies (SBS), Stonecroft small group resources, and Conversations create the spaces for intimate, comfortable relationships to grow. Examining God’s Word together in a nonthreatening situation forms bonds where we can be authentic and ask the hard questions.
These tips help you with follow up:
- Pray over the names you have been given by the Chair/Co-Chair. Ask the Prayer Coordinator or Chair to pray with and for you as you connect with the women.
- Contact each woman within a day or two. Thank her for coming to the event and let her know how glad you are that she attended.
- Ask to meet for coffee to get to know her. Or if she seems open, tell her about a study that is starting and invite her to go with you.
If she is unable to attend, offer a one-on-one study or reassure her there will be other studies. Be sure to contact her near the time of the next study. - Invite her to the next outreach event where she can start building relationships.
Continue to pray for these names with your leadership team. Remember, God works in the hearts of people. We get to play a small role through making Stonecroft Bible Studies and other small groups available!
“Our desire is to see a minimum of one Stonecroft Bible Study offered for every 30 women in attendance at your Group.”
– Cheryl Lee Davis
I am trying to order the new Ephesian bible study by Stonecroft (Tree on cover) am unable to find it anywhere. I need to order 8 copies. Please let me know where I can order.
Thank you