God reminded me more than 30 years ago that two things are eternal: His Word and people. Putting those two together inspired me to invest myself in what were called “Friendship Bible Coffees” (FBC). In the years since, I’ve guided, hosted, and coordinated those studies, now Stonecroft Bible Studies (SBS). Today, I’m still passionate about them!
God’s Word changes lives! Whether it’s in a one-on-one setting or a small or large group, each SBS helps people begin a relationship with Christ and grow in their faith.
As a Stonecroft Speaker, I’m grateful these studies are available to lead women to Christ and to help new believers become grounded in their faith. I can still hear Lucille Sollenberger, first author of the FBC studies, saying that just as it’s a crime to bring physical babies into the world and not feed them, it’s a crime to not feed spiritual babies. These studies provide the spiritual food. It’s awesome to see people mature in their faith through SBS. The simple format makes that possible.
There are countless stories of lives changed through these Bible studies. Truly, only eternity will show all their fruit.
During a Who is Jesus? study at a retirement center, I witnessed a participant with cerebral palsy realize she wouldn’t be confined to a wheelchair in heaven. She learned she’d have a glorified body, able to do things she’d never done before. God is so good!
I’m so grateful for God’s Word and opportunities to make a difference in peoples’ lives through Stonecroft Bible Studies!
Barbara Hoffner
SBS Guide and District Consulting Coordinator, Stonecroft Speaker
Oh, how well I remember so many new believers in our Bible Studies realizing some spiritual truth for the first time. That was back between 1970-1985 using the older Friendship Bible Coffees bible study books. Oh, how I loved those bible study books. In fact, now that my work career has ended, and I”m looking at starting another home Bible Study, I’m realizing how much I prefered those older books and the questions they asked that would take you right to the heart of the matter. If there was anyone out there that would happen to have some of those vintage Friendship Bible Coffee Study books, individual and Guide books, I would love to buy them from you. Bev 651-428-7854
I love Stonecroft bible studies. How do I get the materials to start a new class. I have 5 or 6 women to start.
I have been teaching a small ladies’ group at Watercrest on Hwy. 466. I am moving to KY. Any chance you might like to start a new STONECROFT study in this facility? Do you have a woman who would like o teach it> 5-8 ladies faithfully.