Closing the Door Behind Us

I was a middle and high school science teacher for 11 years before I became a Stonecroft staff member. Over those years, my students and I studied a plethora of different animals, but one of my favorites was a deep-sea creature called the chambered nautilus. A...

What are You Waiting For?

I’m a faithful, God-fearing woman, but sometimes God and I don’t agree on the timing of His plans for my life. Our biggest disagreement thus far incited near-blinding anger on my part. Why? For almost my entire life to that point, I’d dreamed of having babies. But it...

Queen Esther: The Value of Advocacy

I try to filter carefully what I say in public forums because I’m a pastor’s wife. It’s not because I’m fake or that I want people to think I’m perfect. It’s just that I’m well-aware that my “position” comes with a certain amount of influence and responsibility,...

Fairy Tale Love

I was not an attractive child. Every time I look at photos of myself from the ‘80s and ‘90s, I cringe. I had dishwater blonde hair, chubby cheeks, frizzy bangs, and a fairly noticeable lazy eye. I never heard anyone mention it, but I’m pretty sure some of my teachers...