Thank You, Stonecroft Volunteers!

National Volunteer Week is April 15-21, and we at Stonecroft want to be sure you know how much we value your faithful service as a volunteer. Throughout that week, stay connected with us on social media for a daily message of appreciation from us. We thank the Lord for you!

Women’s Connection Begins in Winchester, Virginia

Congratulations to our newest Women’s Connection in Winchester, Virginia! “Isn’t it neat to know that right in that city the Gospel is going to be shared with women right where they are, right as they are?” said Cheryl Lee Davis, Vice President of Women’s Connection, in welcoming the Group. “Let’s all pray that this community would be sensitive and ready to hear the Gospel!” Pray also for the Winchester Women’s Connection as they conduct their first meeting April 12. If you know a woman living in this part of Virginia, please tell her about this Group!

Stonecroft Woodbridge Hosts ‘Love Yourself’ Event

Not a fan of how you look in pictures?  Most women can spot their imperfections a mile away. Picking up on that idea, the women of Stonecroft Woodbridge (Virginia) hosted a “Love Yourself” photo shoot Feb. 14 to introduce new women to their hub. Young moms attended with their kids in tow and listened to professional photographer Lizbeth McKuhen, a Stonecroft Woodbridge volunteer, talk about the importance of capturing photos of our lives to pass on to future generations of our families.

Afterward, Lizbeth took individual portraits of the attendees. Anne Schneider, Stonecroft’s Northeast Divisional Field Director, shared her impressions of the event. “As I watched Lizbeth use her gift of her photography … I noticed how when Lizbeth saw how beautiful these women are, they saw themselves in a different light, and they were transformed into more beautiful women,” Anne said. “How we see ourselves is everything.” She explained, “We are all ‘imperfectly perfected’ and created by God who loves us so much that He gave up His only Son, that we may become the way He sees us – as ‘imperfectly perfect’ daughters of the Most High God. How beautiful!”

Stonecroft Hub Launched in Texas

Welcome to our newest hub – Stonecroft Fort Worth (Texas)! This addition means we now have 27 Stonecroft hubs in communities across the United States! And, we will host our first national call for Stonecroft hub leaders on April 22. Primarily led by young women, each hub is a local volunteer organization of Christian women – age 20s to 90s – who are passionate to share the Gospel with their friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Volunteers gather in these community-based organizations to receive training about how to share the Gospel. Stonecroft hubs prayerfully create and carry out plans to take the Good News to their peers in relevant ways. To learn more about hubs, go to

Share your Gospel-sharing Experience

Stonecroft has been sharing the Gospel with women for 80 years. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ because women like you boldly proclaim the Good News. You’ve told us about the many ways you’ve shared the Gospel through outreach events and Stonecroft Bible Studies. We frequently hear stories of volunteers sharing Jesus with their family, friends, co-workers, and others in personal settings. We want to give each of you an opportunity to tell us about the divine appointments you personally experienced this past year. To share those with us, please complete this simple, four-question Personal Sharing survey. Click here to take the survey.

Stonecroft Transitions to New Ministry Software

Stonecroft’s Home Office is switching to a new ministry software to serve you better. As we implement this change in early- to mid-April, we’d love to have more information about you so we can communicate with you as efficiently as possible. Please take this opportunity to share with us your current contact information by emailing [email protected] or calling 800.525.8627 (then press 2 for Ministry Support). Please provide us your name, mailing address, email address, and phone number. After we transition to this new software this month, please carefully review any future communication from Stonecroft and alert us if you notice any address errors. Thanks for helping us to serve you even more effectively moving forward.

How Did God Use You During Easter Prays?

Did you participate in our Easter Prays outreach? If so, please take a few minutes to tell us about your experience of praying for and sharing Jesus with others during the Easter season. Visit and complete the form called “Tell us your story.”

We can’t wait to hear how God used you during Easter Prays!