A Beautiful Smile

I worked part-time as a dance instructor while attending seminary. As we prepared for the end-of-year recital, I taught my students about the importance of stage presence. Most of my students practiced with large smiles across their adorable faces, except for one...

A Marathon Requires a Team

I kicked off 2016 by running the Walt Disneyworld Marathon: 26.2 very humid miles through the Disney theme parks in Orlando, Florida. It wasn’t my first marathon, but it was the most difficult one to finish! A marathon involves an incredible amount of workers. It...


When my husband and I recently moved into our new home, I went to the store to buy a couple of doormats. I noticed a commonality among the mats: not one, not two, but 27 of them contained the word “welcome”! This prompted me to think about the concept of welcoming and...


Transition. It’s a word I flinch at hearing. Transition implies change. It isn’t easy leaving the familiar and venturing into the unknown. In the last few months, my life has been characterized by ongoing transition. From joining Stonecroft, to getting married, to...