Devotion: He Is Our Rallying Point

Have you ever raised a banner?

Maybe you were marching for a cause or raised one for a special occasion such as the birth of a baby, a birthday, homecoming, or retirement. Or maybe you were completing a race or even overcoming a challenge. When a friend of mine finished her last breast cancer chemo treatment, a neighbor presented her with a celebratory banner reading: “Congrats! You’re done! You did it!” This banner represented that her battle fighting the cancer in her body was complete.

You have likely heard the phrase: “You’ve got this!”

Instead, how about recognizing where your strength comes from?

You are not alone! The Scriptures remind us: “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).

So why go it alone when you don’t have to? The banner that you can raise is “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” kind of strength!

Do you feel a need to refocus your point of rally as it relates to some struggle, or in your witness? In personal evangelism, how are you doing in building relationships with women who are not yet in the faith?

Psalm 60:4 reads, “But you have raised a banner for those who fear you—a rallying point in the face of attack.”

King David believed that God had cast off the broken nation of Israel, yet he persevered in flying the banner of alignment and trust in God. The verity about God – who He is and what He has done – called that this banner be raised.

The idea of the banner was connected to Israel’s dependence on God and His victory for them. When Amalek fought against Israel in Rephidim, God demonstrated victory that came to His people as Moses, supported by Aaron and Hur, prayed on the mount and Joshua went forth to battle. After that triumph Moses built an altar, and called the name of it “Jehovah Nissi,” that is, The Lord is our Banner. Therefore, for the sake of that banner, the cry for deliverance was raised, so deliverance would be found for those God loves.

David understood that his rescue would be established in greater allegiance to God, not less.

Questions for Discussion:

  • Is there a banner that you want others to see when you face attack? What is your testimony of alliance with and deliverance by God?
  • How can you refocus yourself and remember that “He is your rallying point”?
  • Who will you love toward Jesus this month?
Anne Schneider

Anne Schneider

Northeast Field & Leadership Development Director

Prepare for Prayer

Take a couple of minutes to assist everyone to be present in this time of prayer.

Ask the Lord to help you lay aside any distractions so that you might fully enter into His presence.

Our focus for this month is: He Is Our Rallying Point.

Read: Psalm 60:4

“But you have raised a banner for those who fear you—a rallying point in the face of attack.”

Pray: Almighty God, we seek You as our rallying point in all that we say or do. We thank You for Your Word that speaks to our hearts and assures us that You are the best starting point for us to rely on as we seek to reveal You to women who need a Savior.

Thank God:

  • for the relationship that we have with Him because of Christ Jesus, our Savior and Lord.
  • for His character that is like an anchor and a firm foundation of our faith.
  • that though we often get distracted and at times turn away from Him, He is always longing to bring us back to our “rallying point” in Him.

Pray for Your Group’s Upcoming Outreach Event

Read: James 1:5-6

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.”

Pray: Oh generous God, we ask for your direction and wisdom as we plan our next outreach event. We need faith in You alone, not in our own abilities. Please increase our faith in You to be our point of reference in all we say and do at our outreach. We remember that it is all for You!


  • that we remember we serve a generous God who longs to give to us what we need as we seek to reach women with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • that we would seek after Jesus alone as our rallying point.
  • through Jesus Christ we would have a reuniting, a renewal, and a comeback in seeing many more women loved toward Jesus – 1 million women by 2025!

Sharing Your Faith

Read: 1 Peter 3:15-16a

“Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks you about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.”

Pray: Heavenly Father, sometimes sharing about our faith in You can be a bit scary, especially when those far from God think we are out of our right thinking. But we know that we must worship You alone as our rallying point, for You are our Savior and our God.

Pray for:

  • our readiness for the rally to love women toward Jesus.
  • obedience to be ready in season and out of season to give the reason for our hope.
  • dependence on the Holy Spirit to work in women’s hearts and minds, and to give us the right words at the right time, so that the Gospel may make clear sense to those who seek after God and Jesus Christ.

Pray for our Nation and Leaders

Read:  Psalm 119:105-106

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. I’ve promised it once, and I’ll promise it again: I will obey your righteous regulations.”

Pray: Father, please help our nation and its leaders to make decisions that are on Your pathway.

Pray for:

  • our nation and world leaders to obey God’s Word out of love for Him.
  • Christian leaders to stay on the path that the Lord shows them according to His Word.
  • leaders who do not know God personally, that they will seek Him as their new rallying point for all future decisions they make for themselves and the people they govern.

Pray for the Stonecroft Family

Read: Psalm 25:4-5

“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.”

Pray: God, please lead us in the right direction. Make the way clear so we will not miss a step. We know that we can put our trust in You.

Pray for:

  • all Stonecroft volunteer leaders to be led by God’s truth and love.
  • all believers to keep Jesus Christ as their first love and rallying point.
  • everyone to see that He directs us along the pathways of life.

Prayer for Stonecroft Staff

Sage Appleby – Texas/Oklahoma Field Director

  • Please pray for Sage as she continues to navigate the transition from volunteer to staff. She asks for specific prayers for unity and continued excitement among the women of the region as they plan new outreaches in Texas and Oklahoma.
  • Pray for patience, guidance, and strength of marriage for Sage and her husband as they are currently splitting time between two states in their respective ministry positions. Please pray that their moments together be full of joy and that they remain protected with traveling mercies as they endeavor to grow the Kingdom and follow God’s leading.

Pray that Stonecroft leaders such as Stonecroft Regional Administrators, District Consulting Coordinators, Regional Speaker Trainers, Regional Reps, Area Reps, Chairs, Prayer Consultants, and all outreach leaders will keep Jesus Christ as their rallying point so they can love 1 million women to Him by 2025.

Pray for our international partners, that they will keep Jesus as their “North Star” in sharing the Gospel with those in their communities.

Pray for Friends of Stonecroft – In this month’s Friends of Stonecroft script, we learn about Stonecroft Military volunteers who travel the country to minister to military wives and servicewomen.

Pray for:

  • their health and any personal or home challenges that may come up as they serve others.
  • more open doors to minister on bases and posts.
  • more volunteers to serve locally.
  • volunteers undergoing training to develop faithful hearts and effective ministry.

Share Personal Requests

Pray for one another in the perfect love of Christ.

Closing Prayer

Father, we thank You for this Prayer Connection time. We ask You to refocus us to keep You as the center of all that we do for You in women’s outreach. We praise You because You, and You alone, are worthy of our praise, glory, and honor – for You are our rallying point! Amen