God is in the details.

This old saying conveys that whatever you’re doing, it should be completed with awareness of the small stuff. Details matter.

Julie Riley faced a lot of details when she volunteered to help with the Louisville (Kentucky) Detox held earlier this fall. She knew the details were important, particularly as it was the first time for this event and there were plenty of decisions to make. As an event planning team member, her duty list included coordinate people, work with the venue, set up for the event, assemble welcome bags, and work with the budget, among others.

david-and-iA wife and mother of four, Julie and her family moved to the Louisville area a year ago. Spending time helping their children settle in, finding a church, and familiarizing herself with the community, Julie connected with Sarah LeBlanc through a local mother’s Facebook group and set up a play date for their kids. As the two women got to know each other, Sarah explained her role as a Stonecroft Divisional Field Director and her plans for the Detox – Find Your Balance event.

Detox sounded like an unusual and “much needed” event to Julie. Life balance is a hot topic right now, she explains, with social media and conversations focused on multitudes of products and techniques promoted to help with hectic lives.

“Usually you see mention of body and mind, but Detox talks about body, mind, and soul,” Julie points out. “We want to be better wives and mothers, but we need to be our best selves. Detox helps us do it – and it’s an outreach too.”

Through Detox, Julie connected with other women in her new community. Volunteering was a learning experience, too. She discovered how God shows up in the details: “When you’re doing something for the first time, the details can be overwhelming.” So she prayed about the details and saw God work them out “beautifully.”

She observed a beautiful moment at the Detox registration table.  One woman had purchased tickets for some friends who didn’t make it. Another lady brought friends who hadn’t registered. It all worked out when the unexpected arrivals received the unused tickets.

“For me, personally, I learned that God is God. He’ll take care of it. I like to be in control of my life and details,” Julie says. “I’m learning to just let God have it.”

Robyne-BakerRobyne Baker
Writer/Editor and Grant Research
