Summer is a time to find joy by rejecting routines and embracing the unexpected. While schedules make us feel secure and productive, this is the season to throw caution to the wind and rest our minds from routine. Whether it’s spending family time on vacation, enjoying friends for the day, or binge-watching our favorite shows, summer allows a freedom not found any other time of the year.

While capturing joy in the final weeks of summer, try doing something unexpected in your spiritual life. The Bible says, “You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy” (John 16:24, NLT).

Spend time talking with the God of the universe about your hopes and dreams. Start a daily journal to record your conversations and listen to His answers. When Fall arrives, schedule these spiritual plans before you pencil in all of the routine activities and to-do lists. Unexpected joy will surely be there waiting for you to seize!

Melissa-LobozzoMelissa Lobozzo
Southern Field Director

August 31,2016 [printfriendly]