Editor’s note: Stonecroft staff member Suzy Shepherd is the creator of the Where Love Lives (WLL) outreach. Here, she tells the story of where this new outreach has been, where it’s going, and how you can be part of it.

Where Love Lives (WLL) began with a vision to show women they were seen, they were known, and they were valued by others. My prayer was their experience would lead them to know that Jesus saw, knew, and valued them more than anyone else ever could.

The Gospel begs to be repeated, and this was how God invited me to share it.

The very first WLL event was a dinner for 40 single mommas and their kiddos. Then it grew to 300. The next year, 900.

No one was more surprised than I.

The night I stood in the middle of 900 women, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me, “This is only the beginning.” Like Sarah in the Bible, that made me giggle. I couldn’t even think of what that might mean. Up until that point, I thought once that night was over, we were done!

But God had much different plans for this message. He led me to Stonecroft, where WLL could begin to take root and grow far beyond what I could have imagined that night.

Last spring, we piloted WLL as a four-part series in homes across the United States. Sixty percent of these home groups had nonbelievers attend. It was an amazing success, with 100 percent of hosts saying they were likely to host it again!

On Feb. 22, 2019, the kickoff session of Where Love Lives will broadcast as a national simulcast. Women from every facet of Stonecroft will host WLL in their own living rooms. After the initial broadcast, groups will meet for four more sessions centered on relationships. With a relaxed setting featuring food, conversation, and connection, women find it an easy way to experience belonging that can naturally lead to faith conversations.

Where Love Lives is a simple, relatable, doable outreach that teaches women four basic principles to find, grow, and sustain the relationships in their lives. Then, it pulls back the curtain to show God is really the creator, author, and sustainer of every life-giving relationship we experience. He is love.

That’s where you come in!

Is God calling you to host WLL in your living room?

WLL is unique because it reaches across ages, backgrounds, or barriers and speaks to a common need every woman experiences. In the coming days, watch for more information about this outreach and specific instructions on how to sign up to host it.

What an exciting time to be part of Stonecroft, as we work as one to reach women for Jesus! He really is Where Love Lives!

Interested in facilitating a Where Love Lives group in your home or church? Contact [email protected]. Watch next month’s Stonecroft enewsletter and Facebook pages for more information on registering for Where Love Lives as a host or participant.

Suzy Shepherd

Suzy Shepherd

Central Divisional Field Director