
Stonecroft celebrates 77 years of Gospel ministry this year! Two years ago we marked our 75th Anniversary with the theme “compelled.” What continues to compel us? The Gospel! The love of Christ! As the apostle Paul said, “… when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16, NIV).

Christ’s love compelled Paul to preach the Gospel. Whom did he preach to? He tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “… I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” (NIV).

Stonecroft’s strategic plan calls for us to follow Paul’s example—to reach all kinds of women in our communities with the Gospel. We want to take the Gospel to each woman, where she is—where she lives, works, and plays—and as she is—no matter her background or circumstances.

That’s why our plans call us to add to Christian Women’s Club, Women’s Connections, and After 5 outreaches new avenues of evangelism, such as Stonecroft Military and Detox—Healthy Balanced Living, which engage and reach more women with the Gospel. We continue to research and develop new outreaches you will hear about soon.

Please know that our outreaches to Boomers and Builders are still vitally important to us and the mission of Stonecroft! You asked for tips to make your events more effective, so we created the Ideas page on our website ( which provides proven ideas to enhance your outreaches. Visit that web page to learn some fun new ways to share the Gospel with your peers. And we at Home Office are working on additional ways to help you become more effective. Stay tuned!

I thank God for His continuing work in and through Stonecroft. I am thrilled to join with you in this exciting Gospel ministry!

Let’s look forward to many more years of sharing the Good News.

Thank you for all you have done to serve this ministry and to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to each woman where she is and as she is.