What would it look like if Stonecroft Speakers shared stories that happened only within the last three years? I posed this question to various leaders and speakers. After giving it some thought, I asked myself, what would you share from the last three years of your life?

I admit, this was not easy. There I sat in my prayer room jotting down some areas in which God had brought healing. And there I sat feeling more and more stressed about sharing this at an Outreach Group, about sharing my weakness, yes, my recent weakness.

Struggling through this process was the best thing I could have done.

I wrote about my subtle but growing levels of resentment, pride, bitterness, and increasing ability to keep mental notes of the ways I had been hurt. I dealt with how my unforgiveness toward my husband and others was eating away at me.

Then I read about love. The very familiar passage from 1 Corinthians 13 seemed to leap off the pages in a new fresh way. I read how this love not only refuses to keep track of wrong doing, but keeps company with patience, kindness, and hope. This gift of love does not rejoice in injustice. Really? During the last few years, I have been angry about the unjust actions, and inactions, of people in my life. I had, in a sense, rejoiced over them as I engaged in self-talk that centered on why they were wrong.

I wept. There I was, demanding change in my husband and others, but not seeing areas in my own life that were nowhere close to the level of perfection I had expected.

This love took me to a deeper understanding of the love I receive from God every moment of every day.

I did not do anything to deserve this turnaround in my heart. All I know is that God gently moved me toward repentance and His kind of love.

Speakers, as you end this year and prepare for what God has for you next year, will you take some time to ponder areas in your life where God has forgiven you, healed you, or brought transformation? These stories can be turned into powerful updates to your talk. It might not be easy, but so worth it. Women today want to know the difference Christ makes in your life right now.

(Don’t forget to run significant changes by your RST.)

Know that we pray for you as you share the Gospel with Groups. Remember that the Gospel message is the most important part of your story – so spend lots of time on Jesus … after all, He is the Hero of our stories.

Speakers-Recent Weakness
By Cheryl Lee Davis

Dec 1, 2015 [printfriendly]