[Note to reader: Cut 8-inch pieces of yarn, baker’s twine, embroidery thread (all strands together), or thin ribbon. Place a piece for each person in the center of the tables. Use fun fall colors if available.]

Hello, (name of group).

We’re starting with something different today. Everyone, take a length of fiber from the center of the table. (pause) About an inch from the end, tie a simple knot for something you’re thankful for. Keep tying knots as you think of more blessings. It doesn’t matter how close together or far apart your knots are. Make sure to leave an inch loose at the end. (pause)

Gratefulness can be shown in different ways. Sometimes it is expressed through our words. Other times, we express it by helping others.

Today I want to tell you about some grateful women who notice struggling women around them. They see the hurting, the poor, and the suffering. This group of Stonecroft women makes their North Carolina community a better place because they join forces to bring light to dark places.

Susan Shepard leads these efforts with a talent for noticing needs and then serves them. In fact, her Stonecroft group has named her its Outreach Coordinator for her gift in organizing events for them to love on women who need it the most. Susan has organized events for military women and Christmas gatherings for women in the workplace, as well as for women who are battered or grappling with addiction. The Stonecroft women readily volunteer for these outreaches.

Not long ago, Susan invited those from an abused women’s shelter to her home where they were honored and valued. The Stonecroft women served those from the shelter as they were treated to brunch, inspirational gifts, and even neck rubs from a massage therapist. Their children had a special time of fun games, too. Upon leaving, some of those honored teared up as they thanked the Stonecroft women for serving at the event. Even though those blessed were women with little to their name, their hearts were full of gratitude.

Across the country, women from Stonecroft groups like ours reach into their communities to improve quality of life and to provide love and concern through their service. If the women they served were tying knots of blessings on their strings, they probably wouldn’t have many knots. Stonecroft women have been blessed in our lives, and we want to pass along love and kindness to others.

Your generous gift today shares your gratefulness for your blessing. By giving to Stonecroft, you empower women to make a difference in their communities. We are inspired by Stonecroft, equipped with training and resources by Stonecroft, and encircled with support and encouragement by Stonecroft – all to make a difference. Won’t you pay your blessings forward and help women make a difference in their communities?

Your tax-deductible gifts can be placed in the envelopes. On the envelope flap, you have the opportunity to make a one-time gift or a monthly donation. You can make your donation by credit card, check, or cash. If using cash, please provide your information on the envelope flap. You will receive a receipt. Your table host is passing around a larger envelope to receive your envelope.

Now, back to our knots. Tie this strand to something you’ll see often and be reminded of your blessings. Thank you for your generosity to help Stonecroft women be the light in dark places, as we reach women where they are, as they are.

Thank you.