“We’ve been doing this for two years and seeing real fruit,” says Julie Wilson. She’s talking about the team concept highlighted in the new Women’s Connection Handbook. Simply, this idea uses teams instead of individual Planning Team members to organize and carry out events. These teams allow for smaller workloads on individuals and stronger guidance for new leaders.

The Tulsa (Oklahoma) WOVEN Women’s Connection Group started to see “miraculous things happen” when it implemented this God-given idea, says Julie, a Stonecroft development leader. The Group observed growth in first-time guests, attendance, and relationship-building as teams of women use their personal interests and talents to create events that share the Gospel. A recent Guest Night attracted 117 participants, 64 of them first-time guests.

Here are Julie’s tips to create strong event-teams that mentor new leaders:

‘People will show up if they feel needed.’ We can encourage women of all ages and stages of spiritual maturity to be part of a team. Potential leaders can be younger or older, unbelievers or new believers, as well as mature Christians. Even nonbelievers will feel they belong and needed as they work alongside others. As relationships grow, they’ll feel comfortable enough to attend Bible studies and have more opportunities to hear and respond to the Gospel.

‘If people are what they are meant to be, they will thrive.’ Discover new and potential leaders’ passions and put them on the appropriate team. Ask what they are interested in or how they see programs or planning need adjustment. In one case, a potential team member expressed an interest in icebreakers to spark conversations at events. She now serves on the Prayer, Care, and Connect Team. On another occasion, one new teammate noticed a need for a constant social media presence. Her work on the Event Planning Team allows her to passionately promote WOVEN’s efforts on social media, generating many inquiries from curious readers unfamiliar with Stonecroft.

‘Mentoring should be as important as the task.’ While mentoring potential leaders and sharing the workload were original goals for the team concept, an unforeseen benefit appeared. The benefit: personal mentoring. As they work together, leaders and new women build trusted relationships. Conversations evolve from how to do program tasks to how to be vibrant followers of Christ. Younger women and those new to the faith seek wisdom and counsel from the seasoned leaders. In turn, leaders experience the value of investment in another person that only they can provide.

For more information on the team concept and how it builds involvement for long-term ministry, see Page 66 of the Women’s Connection Handbook.

Robyne-BakerRobyne Baker
Writer and Editor

Women’s Connection Communiqué