Hello, (name of group).

Today I want to tell you about a woman we’ll call Holly. Even though her name is changed, her story is real. We’ll begin where she fled to another state to escape an abusive family situation. In her new location, Holly met a Stonecroft staff member who invited her to a small group gathering of women in her home. Holly’s deep need to meet people greatly outweighed her nervousness, so she took the risk and accepted the invitation.

The Stonecroft group was learning about building relationships. With kindness and acceptance, Holly immediately felt like she belonged there. Holly didn’t need to act like someone else or put on a show for these women ‒ even after Holly openly shared how she’d been sleeping outdoors as she sought a new start in a new place.

The women rallied around Holly with love and encouragement. They took this relationship a step further to gather furniture and clothing for Holly’s new life in her new apartment. Holly says she doesn’t know what she would do without her new friends. The Stonecroft group helped her feel, for the first time, that she is “good enough” for friends, God, and a good life. They met her where she was, as she was.

Chances are, we’ve all hit rock bottom at one time or another. It could’ve been financially, emotionally, physically, or even spiritually. We needed a new start. Then, somehow, our paths crossed with that of another person – or a group ‒ and things got better. Maybe they simply shared something with us whether it was time, a smile, or even material possessions.

Stonecroft women rally their efforts to build healthy relationships that support one another. Think about the story. As individuals, the women could’ve passed Holly on the street with no clue as to her circumstances. But because they were in a Stonecroft group, they got to know of Holly’s needs. More importantly, they got to know Holly, as a person, and as a friend.

Stonecroft seeks to create more groups nationwide with your help. In a few moments, we’ll give you an opportunity to support women to reach others with authentic compassion, creating even larger circles of friends and new starts. Your gift today is a way to give back for what was given to you.

Your tax-deductible gifts can be placed in the envelopes. On the envelope flap, you have the opportunity to make a one-time gift or a monthly donation. You can make your donation by credit card, check, or cash. If using cash, please provide your information on the envelope flap. You will receive a receipt. Your table host is passing around a larger envelope to receive your envelope.

Today, thousands will get opportunities for new starts because you give. I thank you for reaching out to each woman where she is, as she is.