
Today, I’m going to tell you about a woman. Her story is one of isolation and emptiness. She possibly lacks the necessary food or clothing. Chances are, alcoholism has bruised her family. It seems as if her only purpose in life is to bear children, and she mothers several. She feels used.

The village nearest to hers is at least 50 miles away. Her only connection to the outside world is probably a radio. She dreams of escaping her situation, yet believes she is sentenced to a life without hope.

What you just heard describes the typical listener of a radio program being recorded by a Stonecroft team in Alaska. Its purpose is to bring hope to isolated Alaskan native women. The radio team knows there is more to life for the Eskimo and Native American women in remote areas of their state, so they record Stonecroft Bible Studies that will be aired into villages. Many of these places are only reached by plane, boat, snow machines, or dogsled.

It’s a detailed process to record the 15-minute segments. English is the second language for this audience, and they are women of few words. The recorded conversation is kept culturally relevant for the listeners. The studies include discussion just like the regular studies that we would have in our homes, except the on-air participants huddle around microphones instead of sitting on a couch or at a dining room table.

The team is recording number 6 out of 7 planned studies. It’s a lot of effort, but the team knows the time and energy are worth it. The team has provided some pre-release programs on compact disc to certain areas, and Anita, one of the leaders, says they’re getting back wonderful responses. They’re anxious for the release of all the programs on the radio so women in isolation will hear uplifting words of life.

Across the country, Stonecroft shares hope with women in neighborhoods and communities, as well as prisons, shelters, gyms, and many other settings – including the remote villages of Alaska.

Stonecroft provides training and resources for women to take the light of hope to others, even in places you and I may never get to visit. It takes $137 to inspire, encircle, and equip one woman to share this hope. That’s $11.50 a month.

As we give today, be assured your contribution counts to help women, where they are, as they are.

Your tax-deductible gifts can be placed in the envelopes. On the envelope flap, you have the opportunity to make a one-time gift or a monthly donation. You can make your donation by credit card, check, or cash. If using cash, please provide your information on the envelope flap. You will receive a receipt. Your table host is passing around a larger envelope to receive your envelope.

Thank you for sending hope through words of life to women where they are, as they are.