March 2020 Prayer Call

March 6, 2020 Noon ET, 11 am CT, 10 am MT, 9 am PT Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 847 270 680 Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) Come join Meryl Bishop, National Prayer Consultant, and Sage...

February 2020 Monthly Prayer Call

Friday, Feb. 7, 2020  12 p.m. ET, 11 a.m. CT, 10 a.m. MT, 9 a.m. PT Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Join Zoom Meeting at Dial by location you are closest to: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 720 707 2699 US...

December 2019 Prayer Call

Join Cara Day, Director of Marketing and Communications, and Sarah LeBlanc, Director of Field Ministry, for this time of devotion and prayer. Cara has been with Stonecroft for a little over a year, heading up the Marketing and Communications Department. She says she...

November 2019 Prayer Call

Come join Suzy Shepherd, Catalysts Director, and Sarah LeBlanc, Director of Field Ministry, for this time of devotion and prayer. Suzy joined our staff in 2016 as Central Divisional Field Director, serving volunteers in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi,...

October 2019 Prayer Call

Come join Kaitlyn Chavez, Ministry Support Representative, and Sarah LeBlanc, Director of Field Ministry, for  the October Prayer Call, a time of devotion and prayer. Kaitlyn’s passion is to encourage people to develop an authentic relationship with Christ, not just...