Hello, friends.

We all have women in our lives who have given us love, attention, care, and encouragement. Sometimes they are our mothers, and sometimes it’s a woman who is a mother to us. The relationships, friendships and mentoring that women experience in Stonecroft are deep and lasting.

Here is what women have said about Stonecroft, the sponsoring organization that makes today’s luncheon possible:

“Since I was a child, Stonecroft has influenced my life in amazing ways. Bible study groups have discipled four generations of people. The simple format allows those without biblical skills to follow along, but the questions are deep enough to challenge those who have studied for years.”

“Stonecroft saved my mom’s life and made her feel like a person that deserves love, too. I could never repay this organization. Because of the great group of women, I got my mother back.”

“I first got involved in Stonecroft’s ministry as a young mom, with two children and pregnant with my third. I came from a very dysfunctional background, and I didn’t know how to raise my children without making the mistakes that were made with myself and my sisters. One of the greatest gifts I received from serving in Stonecroft is lifelong friends that have walked alongside me for the past 35 years. Another gift that I can’t even fully explain is the impact on my children, who are now adults with children of their own.”

“I love Stonecroft. It is a place where you can feel accepted.”

“This is the most encouraging and empowering women’s group that I have ever experienced.”

“Can’t image my life without the friendships of these women. Find them in your community. It’s one of the few places you can go where you feel not only loved but safe and accepted.”

These are just a few of the comments from women all over the country who have found a place of love, acceptance, friendship and even some new sisters and mothers. Your gifts today help us reach more and more women with this same atmosphere of open arms. We have all been in a place where we needed someone to love us where we are, as we are. Give your gift today for the woman who reached out to you and for the woman yet to be reached.


Your tax-deductible gifts can be placed in the envelopes. On the envelope flap, you have the opportunity to make a one-time gift or a monthly donation. You can make your donation by credit card, check, or cash. If using cash, please provide your information on the envelope flap. You will receive a receipt. Your table host is passing around a larger envelope to receive your envelope.