Five women and five unusual stories. Five lives chosen for a purpose, despite their culturally questionable circumstances. Who were these five intriguing women of the Bible?

Tamar, a woman without an inheritance who became a widow to two husbands and then was denied her right to a third husband and an heir. To try to claim what was hers, she dressed as a prostitute to woo her father-in-law and became pregnant with twin sons. Yet, her sons grew to claim an inheritance that positioned her with honor. (Genesis 38)

Rahab, a woman who led a marginalized life in the biblical parallel of the sex industry. She was born into a people group that worshipped many idols and rejected God. Yet, she was used by God to save the lives of a few men, leading to the victories of an entire people group of God-followers. (Joshua 2:1-24, 6:1-25)

Ruth, a poor widow in a foreign nation. She survived and fed her mother-in-law through the humbling labor of gathering in fields the barley stalks that wealthy farmers left for the poor. Yet, she was blessed with provision through her hard work and the kindness of an unlikely man. (Ruth 1 – 4)

Bathsheba, a married woman who was noticed and seduced by a king. She endured her husband’s murder and gave birth to the king’s son. Yet, she became the mother of a wise and wealthy king. (2 Samuel 11, 1 Kings 1 – 3)

Mary, a young virgin who became pregnant through a miracle of God. She was despised by neighbors and faced the risk of death through stoning. Yet, she gave birth to Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Redeemer of the world. (Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38, Luke 2:1-20)

These five women come together in one beautiful genealogy, the genealogy of Jesus, recorded in Matthew 1. They lived in a culture where women were never mentioned in genealogy, but the Bible notes all five of them in the listing of Jesus’ “family tree.”

Each of these women lived an unusual life, and God planned a purpose for each one before she was born. He used all five women to play an essential part in the history and timeline of Jesus coming into the world to provide hope and redemption for all people.

Just as God used these women many years ago to fulfill an important role in His purpose, He also uses us today. Do you believe He can use you to accomplish a purpose far greater than any you could dream up on your own? What is God calling you to do with your life? How are you responding to His call?

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

— Ephesians 2:10, ESV

Sarah-LeBlancSarah LeBlanc
Great Lakes Field Director
